Week 1
Main day meals
This week is one of our favorite weeks and we’re excited to have you start your Main Day Meals journey with these recipes. You’ll be making a big batch of carnitas that you’ll reuse for three of your dinners. The Spicy Citrus Shrimp Bowls are best served the first night when the newly cut citrus is fresh, but can be moved to another night if needed. Also, feel free to make your batch of carnitas the first day if you have more time so you can reheat for all three meals! Enjoy!
ITALICS: Main Day prepped items appear in italics.
RESERVING COMPONENTS: Components you made and you should reserve for another night are noted—it’s safe to say if there’s a lot of something, you will use it in one or two other dishes. Reserve ahead of time to ensure quantities. :)
SLOW COOKER: Instant Pot recipes come with a slow cooker option, so plan ahead accordingly.